Animal Bedding: Sawdust Bedding Vs. Alternative Options

If you’re shopping around for animal bedding, but unsure what material to choose, look no further! From traditional choices like straw and paper to the ever-popular sawdust, the selection of animal bedding can be extensive.


We all know that choosing animal bedding plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and comfort of your livestock.

As a market leader in supplying animal bedding in the UK, we have the expertise on what sets quality bedding apart and are committed to helping you make the best decision for your livestock.

Keeping reading to find the right animal bedding for you…

Understanding Sawdust Bedding

cows on sawdust bedding

Sawdust bedding or cubicle conditioner has always been a staple animal bedding for decades, and with its quality and benefits, it’s little wonder why!

With its high absorbency levels, sawdust will keep your cattle clean and dry, meaning they will be quicker to prepare for parlour. In addition to this, sawdust bedding or cubicle conditioner will prevent the spread of infection, ensuring the health and cleanliness of your herd.

Powder Bed provides a hygienic and comfortable drying solution for your dairy cows. It boasts a unique and super-fine consistency, promising a dry and clean environment.

An alternative sawdust cubicle conditioner product is Fine Bed. This product is screened to 3mm or less, achieving an ultra-soft consistency. Since it’s so fine and 100% dry, you only need to use one large cup of product per cow mat!

Farmers using these sawdust product have experienced less rubbing on the hocks, less mastitis and lower cell counts! In addition to this, our sawdust bedding and cubicle conditioners have been designed to reduce pipe blockages and will suspend well in slurry systems, unlike other types of cattle bedding, such as sand and straw.

Alternative Bedding Options

Are you curious about the other dairy cattle bedding solutions? There are lots of alternative options to explore.

Mix Bed is a unique blend of sawdust and shavings to provide ultimate comfort and cushioning for your cattle. It is the most versatile product in our range, a solution suitable for concrete cubicles, earth pens, calf and bullpens, and livestock trailers.

Paper-based bedding is an alternative bedding option and is a comfortable choice. However, as it is less absorbent than sawdust, maintaining a clean and dry environment is more challenging and frequent changes are necessary to prevent it sticking to cow mats.

Straw is a traditional bedding material, made from dried cereal crops like wheat, barley, or oats. Again, a lot less absorbent than sawdust and will need to be replaced more frequently. It is also known to cause pipe blockages, meaning more machine maintenance for you.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Animal Bedding

When it comes to choosing the right bedding for your cows, there are many things to consider to maintain the health and productivity for the herd.

The first thing to consider is absorbency of the bedding. Sawdust cubicle conditioner options such as Powder Bed and Fine Bed effectively soak up moisture, helping to keep the cows dry and reduces the risk of bacterial growth and infections.

Sawdust bedding is also effective in supporting the well-being of dairy cows. Our sawdust options provide a soft and cushioned surface for the cows to lie on. This reduces the risk of injuries and promotes restfulness, which can impact milk production.

Another thing to consider when shopping for the right animal bedding is how the product will travel in management systems. Unlike sand and straw, which tends to build up, our sawdust bedding products will travel nicely though the slurry systems.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Powder Bed Testimonial – Jake Buckley

Fine Bed Testimonial – Mick Dewhurst 

Ready to try sawdust bedding or cubicle conditioner for your cattle? Get in touch with the team who will provide you with a quote!


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