Platts achieve Green Dragon Environmental Standard

Last week we passed our Environmental Audit with flying colours, and Platts Agriculture Limited now has a UKAS accredited Environmental Management Standard, known as Green Dragon.  Read on to find out more about the standard, and how we’re taking our environmental responsibilities seriously.  



Why Green Dragon?


“We chose Green Dragon as we are a Welsh business working with a lot of Welsh customers and suppliers and wanted to gain recognition from a Welsh accreditation initially. It’s a stepped and more straightforward approach than the international management standards so it’s a good idea for small to medium sized business to at least start with this.  We’re pleased to have achieved level 3 and plan to work towards level 4 and level 5 which is equivalent to ISO14001” says QHSE Officer, Alison Fuller.

“We wanted an environmental management standard to demonstrate our environmental commitment to customers, suppliers, and staff and to help us to prevent pollution, maintain our legal commitments and ensure continual improvement.

Our environmental achievements so far include winning the FSB Wales Sustainability/Environmental Business Award, ensuring we run a fleet of efficient  and up-to-date vehicles, and logistics technology to minimise impacts where possible. We now include a minimum of 30% recycled plastic in the packaging of our products, have introduced electric and hybrid company cars, and continue to monitor our carbon footprint, aiming for a reduction each year. Our local milkman supplies milk for our staff, supporting a local business and reducing our plastic waste. We are recycling our waste wherever possible and most recently, have left our grass verge beside the office to grow for #NoMowMay to provide food for pollinators…

Going forward we’ll need to evidence continual improvement, so we will be implementing more environmental training for all staff, ensuring written procedures are in place for all activities, working towards a paper-free office by introducing electronic safety checks and sign in sheets for instance, working with our supply chain to help to increase their environmental performance and creating an environmental report available to all.”


Image Below- our #NoMowMay ‘mound’ outside the offices – left for Nature! 


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