Platts become ‘We mind the gap’ Employer Partner


“Platts recently became an Employer Partner local Charity “We mind the Gap”.  The whole ethos of “We Mind the Gap” is to give opportunities to young people who deserve better. So far, we’ve been able to offer work experience to Rhian within our Accounts Department, and following a successful placement are delighted to announce that she’s now joined our Team full time and will have the opportunity to gain an Accountancy Qualification in the future.


Platts Agriculture Limited MD Caroline and I were honoured to attend an inspirational evening last week, celebrating past achievements, current initiatives, and exciting plans for the future of WeMindTheGap at the Eaton Park /Duke of Westminster Estate – listening to the brave young people at the heart of WMTG was truly humbling and extremely inspirational.”


 Pictured above, Rhian at her graduation with the WMTG Cohort


We asked Rhian about her time on the programme and experience as she’s joined the #PlattsPeople, and here’s what she had to say…

Introducing Rhian Vernon – Accounts Assistant


How did you get involved in “We mind the gap”?

I got involved with the WMTG programme as I finished sixth form a few months prior and I had no job experience. WMTG helps young people develop new skills and give them job experience in a variety of different areas. It also helped me gain more confidence with myself and meet new people.


What did you enjoy about the WMTG programme?

I really enjoyed meeting the girls in the group since we all bonded with each other quite quickly. We’re all really good friends and we still keep in contact with each other. I also enjoyed travelling to different areas and the activities we done such as volunteer in a donkey sanctuary in Snowdonia.


What made you want to work in Accounts?

In school, I really enjoyed Maths and Business studies, especially the financial part of business studies. They were my strongest subjects in school, and I continued to study them in A Level. Someone suggested I should do something related to finance as a job and they mentioned accounting. Later, I looked into it more and I decided that’s what I would like to do after I left sixth form.


Tell us about your experience starting at Platts Agriculture:

Starting at Platts has been good as the people here made me feel very comfortable. I really enjoy working here because the atmosphere is quite fun and relaxed. I’ve learnt a lot of things while working here so far and whenever I had a question my colleagues help. So far what I’ve been doing are updating and recording sales invoices, recording bank receipts and cheques, filing, emailing, and creating purchase orders.


What are you most looking forward to now that you’re here full time?

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone else and getting to know everyone who works here!


To find out more about upcoming roles at Platts, why not visit our Careers page, or get in touch to find out if there might be a role for you within our team? We’re always on the lookout for the next #PlattsPeople! 


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