Platts Receives Health & Safety Accreditation

We are thrilled to share that we have successfully received recertification for our ISO45001 Health and Safety Standard. This achievement reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of health and safety within our operations.


At Platts Agriculture, we understand the importance of creating a safe and secure working environment for our employees, contractors, and visitors. This recertification highlights our dedication to upholding best practices in occupational health and safety management.

What is ISO 45001?

This certification is the global standard for health and safety, aimed at safeguarding employees and visitors from work-related accidents and illnesses. It provides businesses of all sizes with a unified framework to enhance health and safety measure.

Advantages of ISO 45001 Certification 

There are many benefits of having this certification, including the recognition of the commitment and efforts made by the company to  improve safety for everyone at work.

By adhering to ISO standards, we can provide guidelines for identifying risks, implementing controls, and continually improving occupational health and safety (OHS) performance. By proactively addressing hazards, we can reduce accidents and promote a safer working environment for employees.

Moreover, workplace injuries often lead to absenteeism, disrupting workflow and hindering productivity. By maintaining a safe work environment, businesses can minimise the occurrence of injuries and illnesses, ensuring that operations continue smoothly without interruptions. Employees feel more confident and motivated in a safe environment, leading to improved morale and productivity levels!

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